
See what you can imagine


Designed in Switzerland


Enable new real-time processing capabilities or new or IOs capabilities

Customize your Data Acquisition Solution to make your system faster and more efficient 

At the heart of Acqiris DAQ card is a data processing unit (DPU) based on the Xilinx FPGA. It manages the digitization of the signal, data storage in the internal board memory and transfer through the PCIe connection to the host computer.
In addition, the FPGA allows efficient real-time processing, such as data reduction for instance, to be carried out on-board before transferring the resulting data.

Performing signal processing in the FPGA offer different possibilities and advantages:

  • Filtering, selecting, analyzing, formatting or pre-processing signals before transfer to the host
  • Minimizing data transfer volumes
  • Reducing the processing load the host
  • Getting faster data analysis and results
  • Programmable digital or analog IOs to enable additional control capabilities, drive external devices, or generate synchronization signal

Acqiris's experts have years of experience in the implementation and qualification of custom Firmware for OEMs. Which brings us to offer alternative solutions depending on your resources and need for flexibility

  • Full development and hardware implementation by Acqiris: Based on your specification and requirements, Acqiris engineering team develop a custom firmware fitting your need performing your unique processing and/or enabling custom IOs features.
  • You already have developed the processing your need: our experts perform the integration of your algorithm or IP in the FPGA. Based on a synthetized netlist, we provide you with dedicated firmware, fully qualified and embedded on our DAQ hardware.
  • You want to develop your own firmware and fully control your real-time processing: We propose a Firmware Development Kit and associated support to customers who want full flexibility with their development.


Acqiris Firmware Development Kit (FDK)

Acqiris Firmware Development Kit (FDK) is intended for users who want to implement a proprietary IP or perform specific computation in real-time not covered by Acqiris Solutions portfolio.

Easy to use and cost effective 

  • Our objective if to make as easy as possible the insertion of your code in our DAQ platform, and minimize the development time
  • No hardware knowledge is needed.
  • The compilation and firmware synthesis are based on standard (and free) Vivado Design Suite, requiring no additional EDA tool and minimizing the development cost.
  • The custom firmware development (User Core block) can be re-used through different Acqiris technology platforms.

Firmware Development Kit (FDK) content​

The FDK provides a complete suite of design tools, test-benches, examples and documentation dedicated to custom firmware development and test.

  • Detailed code example
  • Understandable interfaces
  • Pattern generator to facilitate validation
  • Automatized simulation
  • Test bench for validation
  • Test environment in C++ or Python 

The FDK comes with associated documentation, including:

  • FDK User guide
  • Firmware architecture description, including the triggering scheme
  • Simulation guidelines
  • Firmware/Software interface description
  • Description of the code example and usage guidelines

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