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DAQ Solutions for SS-OCT

Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography

Medical and Industrial applications

The fast evolution of the Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) technology is driven by “seeing better, seeing deeper and seeing faster”.

Swept source OCT systems (SS-OCT) are based on a tunable laser rapidly sweeps in wavelength. SS-OCT is traditionally useful for applications that require high scan speeds, such as ophthalmology, cardiovascular and laryngoscopy imaging. It is also the technique of choice when deeper imaging is required, as in the case of wide-field retinal applications.

Acqiris has experience in both industrial (NDT) and medical OCT systems including ophthalmology, endoscopy, dermatology, dentistry, angiography (OCT-A) and phase sensitive OCT.

Our solutions for SS-OCT are bundles designed for customers who want best-in-class performance. You can select to perform all or only part of our available SS-OCT signal processing on-board depending on your application, your existing software components and your own experience.


Maximizing image clarity and quality​

Once the optimal laser source of your system is selected, the Data AcQuisition (DAQ) card specifications such as resolution, signal-noise ratio (SNR) and sampling rate are essential to optimize the system performance. The image depth range depends on the DAQ solution sampling rate and front-end performance. Compared with the traditional approach, all Acqiris Solutions allows flexible analysis depth and minimizes artifacts, especially with high-scan rate lasers.

Lastly, the phase stability and low jitter are essential criteria in phase sensitive SS-OCT applications. Acqiris' Solutions offers unique real-time internal trigger time interpolator enabling a high trigger resolution and a precise and accurate phase measurement.

Size and cost optimization​

Acqiris helps reducing your system electronic and consequently contributes to reduce the size and the power consumption of your system. For instance, our solution for OCT proposes optional analog output able to generate synchronous signals to drive the optical scanner/galvo.



OEM Partnership

We are dedicated to enhancing our customer’s success with our ability to support them on a daily and long-term basis.

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